I will likely post a little MOJO after the visits.
Speaking of wine, *Piedmont before Bromont... i'm juss sayin'
I had this bad boy Friday night. It was great, multi level not so fruity with a taste of Vanilla, Dark Chocolate. Ayways, so good that i went back Sunday to get all there was left on the rack, managed to pick up five bottles.
The MonPrà contains: 45% Nebbiolo, 45% Barbera, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon
Red ears, itching eyes Sulfite allergic reaction: 0%
Chris on MOJO Score: 90 / 100 (this includes all the winnos that tasted the wine that evening)
Meal for the evening:
- Scallops in Jack Daniels and Maple sirup-
- Chris on MOJO Prime Ribs
Chris on MOJO